
Monday, September 15, 2014

Hormone Health & Stability with Progessence Plus

Progessence Plus is a lifesaver. I am wondering to myself, what doesn't it do? To begin, I want to share a little bit about what I've been wrestling with for awhile now. For years, I have struggled with severe premenstrual syndrome. However, due to stress, these symptoms have increased in the last two years. Many of my symptoms ranging from cramps (debilitating cramps that require me to become bed-ridden for, at least, two days), emotional instability, acne, hot flashes, heavy flow, and more. I usually prefer to retreat for the first few days and not go anywhere or see anyone. It's terrible and it hurts knowing that a woman's menstrual cycle was never meant to be this painful. While I love using herbal remedies, none of them were working fast enough to deal with the anxiety and other symptoms that I experienced every time that time of the month came around. Although I had heard of Progessence Plus many times, I was hesitant to try it because I was truly afraid it would fail me like everything else. But I was about to be surprised!

Now, a little background on this amazing blend. Progessence Plus combines natural, USP-grade super-micronized (to less than 5 microns) progesterone from wild yam, melted into an essential oil infused serum containing vitamin E, and seven essential oils including Copaiba, Frankincense, Cedarwood, Bergamot, Peppermint, Rosewood and Clove which all have natural anti-inflammatory properties.These specific essential oils promote skin absorption of the progesterone in even levels like nothing before.

This serum was specifically designed with women in mind by D. Gary Young and Dr. Dan Purser, MD (author of the book, Progesterone the Ultimate Women's Feel Good Hormone), to reduce estrogen by increasing progesterone levels. Most of us are familiar with progesterone as the hormone needed to maintain pregnancy, but it does much more than just that! Some of the benefits of healthy progesterone levels in the body are shown to:
cool arteries
prevents 98% of hot flashes
prevents 98% of day or night sweats
prevents 98% of PMS
prevents 98% of migraine headaches in females only
improves post-partum depression
aids in weight loss
decreases acne
mood elevation  (best time to take is at night)
helps 98% of TMJ inflammation
reduces breast cancer risk
aids in sleep at night
reduces endometriosis
improves bone density
improves libido
makes breasts light and fluffy

Low progesterone levels often result in:

headaches, especially bad migraine headaches
hot flashes
day and night sweats
TMJ  (lack of progesterone)
dehydration leading to neuropathy
lack of libido
hair loss
increases acne

 Estrogen dominance has been linked with hair loss, weight gain, cancer, memory loss, uterine fibroids, autoimmune conditions and fatigue according to Dr. John Lee’s book, Hormone Balance Made Simple. Estrogen dominance is running rampant among women today, mostly due to environmental toxins.

Since this past May, I have consistently been using this blend almost daily (along with other essential oils such as Lavender, Cedarwood, Frankincense, and Joy - AND getting my daily magnesium with Natural Calm Magnesium supplement, a crucial mineral required for hormone health). This is my routine:

1. One drop on left side of neck. One drop on right side of neck.
2. One drop on left forearm. One drop on right forearm.
 Repeat every morning and every night. 
The amount of drops vary from person to person because some women may require double or more that amount. It takes time to figure out the dosage that works for you, but it is certainly worth it.

 Within days, I noticed a significant improvement in my emotional well-being. Instead of being prone to moodiness, I felt more content, focused, and happy. Within 3 months, my cramping went from experiencing severe pain on the first 4 days of my cycle to experiencing a manageable pain for the first 2 days of every cycle and NOT being bed-ridden anymore - which means I can still get stuff done around the house and no longer be crippled over from pain! The longer I use it, the more I notice my cramps beginning to be barely non-existent during each cycle. In addition, the hot flashes went away. The acne that flared up at certain times of the month began to disappear. The flow of my period seems to be balancing out with each cycle, becoming less heavy. The severe anxiety and depression that hit me at the start of my periods have nearly disappeared. I can't express how much joy and freedom this product has given me! 
Read how Progessence Plus helps women who struggle with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome here. You can also read a full list of testimonials on this product and how it helped women with issues ranging from depression, menopausal symptoms, PMS, insomnia, and more here.

 I only use Young Living therapeutic grade essential oils because of their high purity. Many essential oils on the market today are adulterated and are not put through a Seed to Seal process that Young Living lives by. I highly recommend these essential oils for their outstanding purity and also because, simply put, they really work. I began my journey over two years ago with Young Living EOs and have never looked back. They are remarkable!

In you are interested in purchasing Progessence Plus at 24% off, you can get started as wholesale customer to receive the discount. To get started using therapeutic grade essential oils for you and your family, I recommend purchasing the Premium Starter Kit! You can begin enjoying wholesale prices AND a large selection of essential oils at the same time. This is a great way to begin incorporating the most versatile essential oils into your daily life. I also personally gift you with an essential oil when you become a wholesale customer under me. It's my way of saying "thank you!" and supporting you in building your own natural medicine cabinet.

*By the way, I am not a doctor. I just a woman who uses essential oils in her daily life with family and friends. The information provided on Ancient Essentials is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to prescribe, diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. It is your responsibility to educate yourself and address any health or medical needs you may have with your physician. Please seek professional help when needed.*

Friday, August 1, 2014

Quality Always Matters

  The Ancient Essentials blog has been a bit too quiet lately, but there has been quite a bit on my plate. I hope to soon share posts and testimonials on hormonal balance and emotional support with YLEOs. For today, I thought I'd blog a simple post sharing the new Seed to Seal website that Young Living Essential Oils recently launched [Click on image below]. Quality essential oils are an ongoing topic of debate right now, so how appropriate is it that Young Living is providing us detailed steps to share their process of producing essential oils. Honesty and integrity speaks for itself.

  Their new website contains videos and step by step summaries of each step they take to ensure their customers only the highest quality of essential oils. In the words of Gary Young, "If you don't know your seed, you don't know your oil." These steps are essential to a pure oil. If any step of the way is compromised, or left undone, then the quality of that oil cannot be guaranteed and should not be used internally or topically. While Young Living has full control over the production of their oils, many others are merely broker companies - not producers. This is why I give a word of caution to anyone who is seeking other essential oil brands just because they are cheaper. Cheap = Cheap. Don't take that risk on your own health. When you take the time to find out what it is involved in producing a pure and unadulterated oil, you will realize it is not cheap at all to make. It is worth the investment for the safety and health of your own self and family to commit to a company that cares about you. Young Living has shown that commitment time and time again. They don't settle for less when it comes to their products and their customers.
  In addition, through the wholesale membership and the Essential Rewards program offered by Young Living, you will find that you can save quite a bit if you are a regular buyer of essential oils. The wholesale membership grants you 24% off products ($50 a year in oils maintains your wholesale customer status) and gives you free access to join the Essential Rewards program at anytime, which is $50 in oils a month to maintain. The Essential Rewards program offers you discounted shipping and the ability to receive 20% back on your orders every month (I've been doing this for the past several years and LOVE this program! At the end of every year, I have free points racked up on my account and am able to purchase a ton of oils and products! It's basically like Christmas!). Now isn't that a savings? So, when it comes to essential oils, do your research. Know your company. Know your producer. Learn what it takes to create a pure essential oil and the real costs of it. Lastly, I finish this post with a graphic of the top reasons why I encourage others to choose Young Living Essential Oils.

To get started using therapeutic grade essential oils for you and your family, I recommend purchasing the Premium Starter Kit! You can begin enjoying wholesale prices AND a large selection of essential oils at the same time. This is a great way to begin incorporating the most versatile essential oils into your daily life. I also personally send you with an essential oil gift when you become a wholesale customer under me. It's my way of saying "thank you!" and supporting you in building your own natural medicine cabinet. I am always holding giveaways every month for those who become wholesale customers with Ancient Essentials. Feel free to comment or message me to find out which oils I am giving away this month! :)

By the way, I am not a doctor. I just a woman who uses essential oils in her daily life with family and friends. The information provided on Ancient Essentials is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to prescribe, diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. It is your responsibility to educate yourself and address any health or medical needs you may have with your physician. Please seek professional help when needed.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Budget Bug Repellent Spray

This past week, I was shopping at my local organic and health food store and noticed an elaborate display for bug repellent sprays and creams. I am sure they all smelled wonderful, but the prices weren't too exciting. Most of them were around $10 for just 2 to 3 ounces of liquid. I went home to figure out how much I am saving by making my own bug repellent spray. I came up with the recipe below and, after doing the math (how much each 15ml essential oil bottle costs wholesale, how much per drop of the roughly 300 drops in each bottle), I calculated that my 1 ounce bug repellent spray came out to $2.40! Even if I doubled it, it would still be super cheap: $4.80! This is a great way to keep on budget, but still have a high quality product.

Purification is a blend of Citronella, Lemongrass, Rosemary, Myrtle, Lavandin, and Melaleuca. It is widely know that Citronella is an insect deterrent and a good sanitizer and deodorizer of surfaces. It can even be combined with Cedarwood to enhance its effect. The other oils in this blend are very purifying  and cleansing to the skin which makes them safe and gentle to use. Peppermint and Clove are also known as oils for deterring bugs and the Peppermint gives a great cooling sensation to your skin.

Budget Bug Repellent Spray

1 oz. spray bottle
1/4 tsp Epsom Salts
20 Drops Purification
10 Drops Clove
10 Drops Peppermint

First, place the Epsom salts in the bottle and drop the essential oils over it so that it soaks in the oils. Then, fill the bottle with distilled/purified water and you are good to go! When I spray this over my arms, legs, and neck, I usually use my hands to really rub it all around so that I don't miss any spots.

I use this spray whenever I visit my in-laws who live out in the country. During summer evenings, their porch is filled with very large mosquitoes hovering about! I was able to sit outside to enjoy the night air and, although the bugs were flying around, not one of them landed on me. Success!

The great thing about this recipe is that two of the oils (Purification and Peppermint) are included in the starter-kit when you become a Young Living wholesale customer - and a 15ml bottle of Clove is only $15.25 with wholesale pricing!

I only use Young Living therapeutic grade essential oils because of their high purity. Many essential oils on the market today are adulterated and are not put through a Seed to Seal process that Young Living lives by. I highly recommend these essential oils for their outstanding purity and also because, simply put, they really work. I began my journey over two years ago with Young Living EOs and have never looked back. They are remarkable!

To get started using therapeutic grade essential oils for you and your family, I recommend purchasing the Premium Starter Kit! You can begin enjoying wholesale prices AND a large selection of essential oils at the same time. This is a great way to begin incorporating the most versatile essential oils into your daily life. I also personally gift you with an essential oil when you become a wholesale customer under me. It's my way of saying "thank you!" and supporting you in building your own natural medicine cabinet.

By the way, I am not a doctor. I just a woman who uses essential oils in her daily life with family and friends. The information provided on Ancient Essentials is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to prescribe, diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. It is your responsibility to educate yourself and address any health or medical needs you may have with your physician. Please seek professional help when needed.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Essential Oils for Job Interviews


We all know that job interviews leave us a nervous wreck. That's where I was last week as I prepared for my first-ever official interview at a nearby elementary school. I knew I was going to need to slather myself in oils to get through it. The essential oils listed below are what I used to calm my racing heart and mind, as well as focus my thoughts.

1. A drop of Valor on bottom of each foot, rub it in gently. Then, place a drop on back of neck. Valor contains Frankincense, Spruce, Blue Tansy, and Rosewood. I usually use this one for back and pain issues, but every now and then I find it incredibly strengthening for emotional purposes.

2. Practice deep, slow, rhythmic breathing as you are applying these oils.

3. Apply some drops of Cedarwood on bottoms of feet and then along your temples. Place a drop in palm of hands and cup them near your nose breathing it in 10 times.

4. Apply a drop of two of Stress Away along neck, temples, and wrists. This blend contains Cedarwood, Lime, Vanilla, Lavender, Copaiba, and Ocotea. It is sweet smelling and helps reduce tension.

5. Lastly, place a drop of Lavender on forehead and on wrists.

During the interview, although still naturally nervous, I felt more grounded and clear-headed. I have a habit of needing to fidget when I am wrestling with anxiety. This time, I wasn't fidgeting at all, but I felt relaxed and focused enough to even look the ladies who interviewed me in the eye. I also managed to speak in complete sentences, which is rare for me when I am riddled with nervous energy! These essential oils are definitely in my cabinet for any future interview experiences.

The sense of smell is the only one of our five senses directly linked to the limbic region of our brain, which is our emotional control center. Since this system is directly connected to the parts of the brain that control heart rate, digestion, blood pressure, breathing, stress levels, sexual arousal, and hormone balance, the use of therapeutic grade essential oils in aromatherapy can have profound physiological and psychological effects on our physical and emotional well-being.
What happens when you’re stressed? There is an actual, measurable, physical response to it. Stress and anxiety are known to sap our energy, affect our skin, aggravate our muscles and nerves, disrupt digestion, affect our sleep, and make us more prone to illness and disease. So, the stress-related health issue you’ve been dealing with isn’t “all in your head.” But what is in your head, along with essential oils, may help you deal with it!
Therapeutic grade essential oils may offer a powerful and safe form of therapy for emotional healing without the dangerous side effects of anti-anxiety and anti-depressant medications.

I only use Young Living therapeutic grade essential oils because of their high purity. Many essential oils on the market today are adulterated and are not put through a Seed to Seal process that Young Living lives by. I highly recommend these essential oils for their outstanding purity and also because, simply put, they really work. I began my journey over two years ago with Young Living EOs and have never looked back. They are remarkable!

To get started using therapeutic grade essential oils for you and your family, I recommend purchasing the Premium Starter Kit! You can begin enjoying wholesale prices AND a large selection of essential oils at the same time. This is a great way to begin incorporating the most versatile essential oils into your daily life. I also personally gift you with an essential oil when you become a wholesale customer under me. It's my way of saying "thank you!" and supporting you in building your own natural medicine cabinet.

By the way, I am not a doctor. I just a woman who uses essential oils in her daily life with family and friends. The information provided on Ancient Essentials is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to prescribe, diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. It is your responsibility to educate yourself and address any health or medical needs you may have with your physician. Please seek professional help when needed.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Deep Sleep Essential Oil Protocol

Sleep seems to be hard to acquire nowadays with busy schedules, long hours, and mental exhaustion. When the body is in the fight or flight mode during seasons of stress, it is even more difficult to encourage our bodies to relax and sleep deeply. It is struggle my husband and I have known all too well. Along with making sure we are settling into bed at an early hour and shutting off phones and the computer, we found this deep sleep protocol to be incredibly effective in helping us settle in for the night. 

Peace & Calming diffused in a cold-air home diffuser, usually about 12-15 drops. The sweet and citrusy aroma of this blend immediately relaxes me and helps me prepare mentally for bedtime. There have been nights when I have completely zonked out just from diffusing this blend and not even having to apply it topically.

Place a drop of Valor on each big toes and then 2-3 drops down the spine. The Frankincense and Rosewood oils in this blend are incredibly grounding and help bring focus to my scattered thoughts from the day.

Rub one drop of Peace and Calming on the bottom of each foot.

Then, put a drop of Cedarwood on bottoms of feet, particularly on both big toes. Continue by placing two drops of the same oil on back of the head. Place a drop on your hand and breathe it in deeply about 10 times. Cedarwood is my go-to oil for emotional support. It contains the highest amount of compounds known as sesquiterpenes, which promotes circulation and brings oxygen to the cells. There is research about this oil stimulating the limbic region of the brain, the center of emotions, and the pineal gland, which releases melatonin.

Lastly, rub Lavender along the neck, behind ears, and on wrists while breathing it in deeply. The calming properties of Lavender are a great way to finish off the night.

 Keep in mind, essential oils interact differently with each of us and some are more effective than others. For any health condition, there are a dozen or more different essential oils, blends, and protocols that could help for any one of us. In regards to struggles with insomnia and sleep, I could also recommend Vetiver, RutaVala, and Valerian which all offer much support. It just takes applying these oils consistently and a willingness to find the right oil or two that works well for you. 

 I only use Young Living therapeutic grade essential oils because of their high purity. Many essential oils on the market today are adulterated and are not put through a Seed to Seal process that Young Living lives by. I highly recommend these essential oils for their outstanding purity and also because, simply put, they really work. I began my journey over two years ago with Young Living EOs and have never looked back. They are remarkable!

To get started using therapeutic grade essential oils for you and your family, I recommend purchasing the Premium Starter Kit! You can begin enjoying wholesale prices AND a large selection of essential oils at the same time. This is a great way to begin incorporating the most versatile essential oils into your daily life. I also personally gift you with an essential oil when you become a wholesale customer under me. It's my way of saying "thank you!" and supporting you in building your own natural medicine cabinet.

By the way, I am not a doctor. I just a woman who uses essential oils in her daily life with family and friends. The information provided on Ancient Essentials is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to prescribe, diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. It is your responsibility to educate yourself and address any health or medical needs you may have with your physician. Please seek professional help when needed.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Ice Pick & Cluster Headaches: An essential oil testimony

I never leave out of a town on a trip without my essential oils stash. Early on in my essential oil journey, I learned just how significantly helpful they are in unexpected emergencies. In fact, I've even purchased essential oil cushioned traveled cases just to hold all my "essentials" when vacationing.

About two years ago, after attending our cousin's wedding one fine spring day, my sister, brother, and I loaded up the van to drive the hour-ride back to our home in the city. Although the wedding had turned out perfectly, we had experienced a small set-back of busting one of the tires on the van. After taking it in to a local shop and getting it replaced, we were set and ready to make the drive home. About a half hour into the drive, my brother, who was sitting in the passenger's seat, expressed a discomfort and pain in his head, behind his left eye. Before my sister and I could think of any helpful advice to give him, the level of his pain jumped (on a scale of 1 - 10) from about a 1 or 2 to a 9! As I was the one driving (and we just happened to be making our way around some mountains at this time!), I felt helpless and almost tempted to pull the van over onto the side of the road somewhere. Anxiety set in and the pain was increasing on my brother's left side. He started moaning, holding his hands to his eye, and there was panic in his voice as he described the pain to us. I suddenly called out to my sister to grab the essential oils in my bag. 

Oddly enough, I had purchased a blend called M-Grain (a blend of Basil, Peppermint, Lavender, Roman Chamomile, Marjoram, and Helichrysum) just a few weeks before. It was one that I had purchased because I suffered from mild headaches. I don't think I had even tried it on myself before this point and, all of a sudden, an emergency came up that demanded it! I instructed my sister on how to dilute the oil and where to apply along his forehead (without getting it in our brother's eye). We were a crazy mess! I was panicking while driving and trying to focus on telling my sister where to apply the oils. My brother was gripping the side of his head and experiencing the most severe, jabbing pain he has ever felt before. I was fearing that the day would end up with all of us in the emergency room - if I could make it back to the city in time! At this point, I might have even stepped on the gas and flying down the highway at 80 or 85 (don't tell my parents!). I think our sister was the most calm individual present. She applied M-Grain around the left side of his forehead, just far away enough to not drip into his eye, as well as placed drops on the crown of his head and upper neck. In addition, I had her apply Peppermint (diluted) onto the same areas, as well as Lavender. The Peppermint created a soothing cooling sensation upon his throbbing head. The result of her slathering him in these essential oils was startling! Within a minute, he voiced that the pain was decreasing. Within 8 minutes, the pain had rapidly disappeared into a mild headache. At this point, he was exhausted from the frightening experience, but had become calm again. I even inched the pressure of my foot off the gas a bit and breathed a sigh of relief. In the end, we made it home safely and had quite a story to tell our mother! 

The funny part about this testimony is that my brother despises essential oils. Up until this point, he had refused to believe in my "hippie oils" or use them in anyway. Because his pain was so intense, he consented to us putting some on him because he, quite literally, had no choice. This experience was enough to make my brother mostly a believer in essential oils. In fact, he will now use them whenever he feels these types of headaches coming on.

As it turns out, this painful headache episode was followed by a cold for my brother, which lasted for a few days. This immediately inspired me to do some research. Because no one in our family had experienced this type of headache before, I did not know what specific phrases or names to search for. However, the internet quickly supplied me with a ton of helpful resources on this. 

The pain my brother experienced had been a blend of ice pick and cluster headaches. Ice pick headaches, as so aptly named, are a stabbing pain, usually beginning behind the eye or the temple area. While the intensity of pain can vary from person to person, these headaches are given their name because of the shocking and jarring stab of pain. They can range from happening once to various times in a day. These headaches are usually more abrupt, lasting around 30 seconds.

Cluster headaches are more defined as a "burning sensation behind the eye, peaking as an electric, shock-like pain....often causes the eyes to water and the nose to run, and which can last between 15 minutes to three hours." [source]

These headaches can worsen when the individual is exposed to bright lights or stress. Both of these types of headaches are usually linked together.   

The exact headache protocol that we use for these headaches is listed below:

Massage M-Grain into temples, forehead, behind ears, behind neck, onto crown of head, and into scalp. Rub a couple drops in your hand and breathe it in deeply. Next, layer Peppermint into the same areas that you applied M-Grain. Lavender can also be applied onto wrists, temples, and behind ears to emotionally calm and soothe.

In addition to applying essential oils, make sure to practice these simple habits when experiencing these types of headaches.
  • Drinks lots of water
  • Avoid bright, harsh light
  • Practice deep breathing from your diaphragm
  • Take it easy, get lots of rest.
 In our case, we were driving in the middle of the afternoon so we couldn't do to much in regards to the light. However, my brother was able to put on his sunglasses and close his eyes until we got him home. M-Grain is an oil my family keeps on hand now for these unexpected episodes!

* I only use Young Living therapeutic grade essential oils because of their high purity. Many essential oils on the market today are adulterated and are not put through a Seed to Seal process that Young Living lives by. I highly recommend these essential oils for their outstanding purity and also because, simply put, they really work. I began my journey over two years ago with Young Living EOs and have never looked back. They are remarkable!

To get started using therapeutic grade essential oils for you and your family, I recommend purchasing the Premium Starter Kit! You can begin enjoying wholesale prices AND a large selection of essential oils at the same time. This is a great way to begin incorporating the most versatile essential oils into your daily life. 

By the way, I am not a doctor. I just a woman who uses essential oils in her daily life with family and friends. The information provided on Ancient Essentials is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to prescribe, diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. It is your responsibility to educate yourself and address any health or medical needs you may have with your physician. Please seek professional help when needed.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Special May Giveaway for Wholesale Customers!

I am hosting a special gift for new Young Living wholesale customers who join my Ancient Essentials team this month! For those who have been wanting to get a start on building their natural home medicine cabinet with Young Living essential oils, this is a wonderful offer! If you have inquiries regarding these offers, you can contact me through I am so excited to be able to offer these gifts to new wholesale customers! 

To begin, I have a $20 voucher for the FIRST person who wants to join as a wholesale customer AND purchase the Premium Starter Kit ($150)! The Premium Kit is really the best way to begin because it includes the 10 everyday oils which you can use right away, incorporating them into your daily routine, as well as the Home Diffuser and a few extra Young Living items.

The step by step process to becoming a wholesale customer is super easy! I have laid it out at my Get Started page HERE. My member number (#1288199) must be filled in both the Sponsor and Enroller lines for you to be eligible for one of these special offers. Also, to be eligible for the $20 Voucher (basically $20 off your purchase), you can contact me for information how to fill that in as you register and you must purchase the Premium Starter Kit.

In addition, I will personally invite all new members under me to a private Facebook discussion group to connect with other ladies and families in my network. This is a great way to build community and to learn and share specific uses and various topics with all these essential oils. I believe in keeping all those on my team well-informed and well-educated. I want to equip you with what you need to thrive in this natural lifestyle with essential oils!

Below is a wonderful graphic I found which compares the retail prices of all the items in the Premium Starter Kit versus the wholesale prices! It's really the best bang for your buck!

photo credit not mine


DISCLAIMER: The information provided on Ancient Essentials is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to prescribe, diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. It is your responsibility to educate yourself and address any health or medical needs you may have with your physician. Please seek professional help when needed.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Homemade Deodorant

 In case you couldn't tell by now, I love simple recipes that are just a few ingredients. I found a lot of recipes online for homemade deodorant, but almost all of them included beeswax or certain costly ingredients. I came across this recipe and adjusted the measurements for my personal use. I will often double or triple the recipe and place it in a closed pint-sized mason jar to store it. I love using this deodorant because I can actually smell the essential oil mixed in it all day long. I just use a spoon and scoop out a very small bit of it for daily use. A little bit goes a long way! My next project will be to make a deodorant spray for this busy, on-the-go days.

1/4 Cup Baking Soda
1/4 Cup Arrowroot Powder
4 Tablespoons unrefined Coconut Oil 
10 Drops *Young Living Essential Oil

Scents for Women: 
[Singles] Lavender, Geranium, Frankincense
[Blends] Joy (bergamot, ylang ylang, geranium, rose, jasmine, palmarosa, mandarin, lemon, roman chamomile, rosewood), Peace and Calming (ylang ylang, patchouli, orange, tangerine, blue tansy), orStress Away (copaiba, lime, cedarwood, vanilla, lavender, ocotea)

Scents for Men:
[Singles] Clove, Cedarwood, Frankincense,
[Blends]  Christmas Spirit (orange, cinnamon bark, spruce) or Valor (spruce, rosewood, blue tansy, frankincense).

Some of these oils included in this post can be found in the starter kit when you become a wholesale customer. Not only that, but you will receive 24% off these therapeutic grade high quality essential oils from Young Living. If you are considering purchasing, find out more here.

* I only use Young Living therapeutic grade essential oils because of their high purity. Many essential oils on the market today are adulterated and are not put through a Seed to Seal process that Young Living lives by. I highly recommend these essential oils for their outstanding purity and also because, simply put, they really work. I began my journey two years ago with Young Living EOs and have never looked back. They are remarkable!

Thursday, April 17, 2014

[Part 3] Essential Oils for Children: Allergies

This is part 3 of my series in essential oil use for children. In this segment, I want to provide simple and easy steps for helping children tackle allergies. As I've stated before, there is an overload of information on the internet on what oils and recipes to use. Although each situation and individual may differ, leading us to try several blends before finding the one that works for us, I want to keep these post stripped down to the basic. Recently, I wrote a post on an allergy protocol for adults, but seeing as children may not be ready for ingesting a capsule at their young age, here are some other ideas to try. We will look at three areas for supporting kids wrestling with allergies: inhalation, topical application, and diffusing.

Inhalation is the simple method of placing drops of essential oils in hand and, in intervals, breathing in the aroma. The best essential oils to use for this method are:

The aroma of these oils immediately work to begin opening up areas of congestion along nasal passages and sinuses. They are also emotionally supportive and will aid in decreasing the stress, anxiety, and irritability the child might feel from struggling with allergies. I suggest that your child breath in these oils in intervals throughout the day.

This is a wonderful topical blend of oils to apply externally. Recipe credit goes to Stacy McDonald.

Kids Blend

2 Drops Idaho Balsam Fir
1 Drop Wintergreen
1 Drop Peppermint

Mix in hand and rub along hairline, chest, and feet.

In addition, apply the Breathe Again roll-on along chest (may need to be diluted) and Thieves (diluted) onto the child's feet. This will help support his/her immune system while fighting seasonal allergies. 

In the words of Stacey McDonald, "I only trust Young Living therapeutic grade essential oils for internal use, as lower quality oils may be toxic -especially when I consider using them on children (internally or topically). Synthetic oils do not contain any therapeutic properties and can be dangerous. Even some oils that claim to be organic and "pure," have no real therapeutic value."
Click here to read more on this.

Check your personal sensitivity to these oils by rubbing them on your feet before applying anywhere else. If you find that you are sensitive, you can blend with a carrier oil before applying to skin.

After topically applying oils, I would highly recommend you diffuse either of these blends or combinations:

Peppermint, Lemon, Lavender, 
Eucalyptus Radiata

Last, but not least, the nutrient filled drink, NingxiaRed, by Young Living is another way to help boost our children's immune systems to help fight the allergies. 1 to 2 packs of these a day will help support their system daily. Ningxia Red is an antioxidant boosting drinking filled with essential oils, fruits, and the reputable Wolfberry from China.

Again, every child and family is different. It is helpful to connect with other parents in a community who are familiar and educated on the use of Young Living essential oils. As a wholesale customer in my organization, I invite all new members to part of a Young Living private discussion group on Facebook with hundreds of other members to share and recommend essential oils ideas and testimonies. Learn more about the tremendous benefits of becoming a wholesale customer here.