
Monday, September 15, 2014

Hormone Health & Stability with Progessence Plus

Progessence Plus is a lifesaver. I am wondering to myself, what doesn't it do? To begin, I want to share a little bit about what I've been wrestling with for awhile now. For years, I have struggled with severe premenstrual syndrome. However, due to stress, these symptoms have increased in the last two years. Many of my symptoms ranging from cramps (debilitating cramps that require me to become bed-ridden for, at least, two days), emotional instability, acne, hot flashes, heavy flow, and more. I usually prefer to retreat for the first few days and not go anywhere or see anyone. It's terrible and it hurts knowing that a woman's menstrual cycle was never meant to be this painful. While I love using herbal remedies, none of them were working fast enough to deal with the anxiety and other symptoms that I experienced every time that time of the month came around. Although I had heard of Progessence Plus many times, I was hesitant to try it because I was truly afraid it would fail me like everything else. But I was about to be surprised!

Now, a little background on this amazing blend. Progessence Plus combines natural, USP-grade super-micronized (to less than 5 microns) progesterone from wild yam, melted into an essential oil infused serum containing vitamin E, and seven essential oils including Copaiba, Frankincense, Cedarwood, Bergamot, Peppermint, Rosewood and Clove which all have natural anti-inflammatory properties.These specific essential oils promote skin absorption of the progesterone in even levels like nothing before.

This serum was specifically designed with women in mind by D. Gary Young and Dr. Dan Purser, MD (author of the book, Progesterone the Ultimate Women's Feel Good Hormone), to reduce estrogen by increasing progesterone levels. Most of us are familiar with progesterone as the hormone needed to maintain pregnancy, but it does much more than just that! Some of the benefits of healthy progesterone levels in the body are shown to:
cool arteries
prevents 98% of hot flashes
prevents 98% of day or night sweats
prevents 98% of PMS
prevents 98% of migraine headaches in females only
improves post-partum depression
aids in weight loss
decreases acne
mood elevation  (best time to take is at night)
helps 98% of TMJ inflammation
reduces breast cancer risk
aids in sleep at night
reduces endometriosis
improves bone density
improves libido
makes breasts light and fluffy

Low progesterone levels often result in:

headaches, especially bad migraine headaches
hot flashes
day and night sweats
TMJ  (lack of progesterone)
dehydration leading to neuropathy
lack of libido
hair loss
increases acne

 Estrogen dominance has been linked with hair loss, weight gain, cancer, memory loss, uterine fibroids, autoimmune conditions and fatigue according to Dr. John Lee’s book, Hormone Balance Made Simple. Estrogen dominance is running rampant among women today, mostly due to environmental toxins.

Since this past May, I have consistently been using this blend almost daily (along with other essential oils such as Lavender, Cedarwood, Frankincense, and Joy - AND getting my daily magnesium with Natural Calm Magnesium supplement, a crucial mineral required for hormone health). This is my routine:

1. One drop on left side of neck. One drop on right side of neck.
2. One drop on left forearm. One drop on right forearm.
 Repeat every morning and every night. 
The amount of drops vary from person to person because some women may require double or more that amount. It takes time to figure out the dosage that works for you, but it is certainly worth it.

 Within days, I noticed a significant improvement in my emotional well-being. Instead of being prone to moodiness, I felt more content, focused, and happy. Within 3 months, my cramping went from experiencing severe pain on the first 4 days of my cycle to experiencing a manageable pain for the first 2 days of every cycle and NOT being bed-ridden anymore - which means I can still get stuff done around the house and no longer be crippled over from pain! The longer I use it, the more I notice my cramps beginning to be barely non-existent during each cycle. In addition, the hot flashes went away. The acne that flared up at certain times of the month began to disappear. The flow of my period seems to be balancing out with each cycle, becoming less heavy. The severe anxiety and depression that hit me at the start of my periods have nearly disappeared. I can't express how much joy and freedom this product has given me! 
Read how Progessence Plus helps women who struggle with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome here. You can also read a full list of testimonials on this product and how it helped women with issues ranging from depression, menopausal symptoms, PMS, insomnia, and more here.

 I only use Young Living therapeutic grade essential oils because of their high purity. Many essential oils on the market today are adulterated and are not put through a Seed to Seal process that Young Living lives by. I highly recommend these essential oils for their outstanding purity and also because, simply put, they really work. I began my journey over two years ago with Young Living EOs and have never looked back. They are remarkable!

In you are interested in purchasing Progessence Plus at 24% off, you can get started as wholesale customer to receive the discount. To get started using therapeutic grade essential oils for you and your family, I recommend purchasing the Premium Starter Kit! You can begin enjoying wholesale prices AND a large selection of essential oils at the same time. This is a great way to begin incorporating the most versatile essential oils into your daily life. I also personally gift you with an essential oil when you become a wholesale customer under me. It's my way of saying "thank you!" and supporting you in building your own natural medicine cabinet.

*By the way, I am not a doctor. I just a woman who uses essential oils in her daily life with family and friends. The information provided on Ancient Essentials is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to prescribe, diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. It is your responsibility to educate yourself and address any health or medical needs you may have with your physician. Please seek professional help when needed.*